The Power of Kindness and Self-Care this Festive Season

It’s fair to say that this festive season will be unlike any other we’ve seen!

I certainly couldn’t have imagined that 2020 would be such a testing, difficult and uncertain year.

Many of us have had to cope with lost incomes and jobs, not seeing our loved ones for extended periods of time, home schooling our children and adjusting to a whole new pace of life – all of which has had a knock-on effect on our mental health and relationships.

Instance of loneliness, anxiety and isolation have affected many of us regardless of our background and it’s fair to say that people from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, and our LGBTQ+ groups, are among those impacted the most.

The power of kindness

Mandirs, Masjid’s, Churches and Gurudwaras, not to mention hospitality venues, being closed, has forced many of us to adapt and seek connections in new ways. 

My focus for the festive season is to focus on kindness – particularly being kind to ourselves, and to those around us. I really like these quotes which show just how powerful kindness is and its multiplying and positive effects:

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” Amelia Earhart.

“If your compassion does not extend to yourself, it’s incomplete.” Buddha.

Some tips I will be following myself, include:

  • Focusing on a routine. At this time of year, things like our daily activities and eating habits may all be tested, so trying to stick as much as possible to a daily routine that gives your days some structure.

  • Reaching out to friends and family. We all need each other at this time of year, including our friends and family, our grandparents and neighbours. They may also be struggling and may appreciate the connection.

  • Not neglecting physical health. There may be a tendency to overindulge in food and alcohol at this time of year, and with some gyms likely to be affected by COVID restrictions, try and find alternative forms of exercise – long walks, buddying up with an exercise buddy, for example.

  • Staying Connected. Try and plan Zoom / video calls in advance so they’re in the diary and offer something to look forward to. They can be fun and offer a new way to forge connection.

And above all, try and get some down time. And remember, should you need extra support, help is always available from a range of organisations.

Further resources


Bloomsbury Radio - Lunchtime Dialogue


Transgender Awareness Week, 13-19 November 2020